28th Feb 2024
Resolved - Mainteneance on dozer server
To ensure an optimized experience for our users, we are migrating to a new, more robust server with enhanced HDD capabilities. This transition will not only provide faster response times but also contribute to a more stable and efficient platform.
The new server IP would be
We appreciate your cooperation in this matter and ...
14th Dec 2023
Resolved - Major upgrades on fr9
We are performing significant upgrades to the fr9 server. All users along with their data would be migrated to a new server.
For a conflict-free data transfer, the ruTorrent and clientarea dashboard will be down for the migration period.
Thank you for your co-operation.
6th Nov 2023
Resolved - HDD issue on prime
We are getting some HDD-related issues on the prime server. The issue has been escalated to the data centre.
We will update the ETA shortly.
Thank you for your patience and understanding.
20th Sept 2023
Resolved - Maintenace on Ducati
We are noticing DIMM/RAM-related issues on the Ducati server. The issue is acknowledged and has been sent to the data centre for quick resolution.
You might get a few hours of downtime.
We thank you sincerely for your cooperation and understanding.